Course curriculum

  • 1
    • How this all works
    • Course Information Sheet
  • 2
    Oxygenation VS Ventilation
    • What is the difference between Oxygen and ventilation
    • Ventilation Problems
    • Oxygenation problems
    • Should we give this patient oxygen?
  • 3
    BVM Basics
    • Opening an airway
    • Understanding Ventilation Physiology
    • Getting a good BVM Mask Seal
    • Proper use of a BVM
  • 4
    BVM Ventilation
    • Ventilating only to chest rise
    • How much better is two person ventilation?
    • Why are PEEP valves so important?
    • Is an Adult BVM too big?
    • Adult BVM vs Pediatric BVM Ventilation
    • Avoiding hyperventilation in cardiac arrest
  • 5
    Pediatric Ventilation
    • Airway positioning in pediatrics
    • A quick review of pediatric BVM ventilation
    • Ventilate only to chest rise in pediatrics?
  • 6
    Check your understanding
    • Airway and O2 Quiz