Course curriculum

  • 1
    Weekly Case Details and Live Class Access
    • Case Details | September 13th, 2024
    • Pulmonary Edema | September 6th, 2024
    • Sign up for Case Study and Live Class Notifications
  • 2
    Respiratory Cases
    • Tension Pneumothorax | Case Breakdown (August 30th, 2024)
    • Asthma Exacerbation | Case Breakdown (August 23rd, 2024)
    • Shortness of Breath Case Breakdown | (July 5th, 2024)
    • Non-cardiac Chest Pain | January 19th, 2024
    • COPD | December 28th, 2023
    • Managing Acute Bronchitis | December 22nd, 2023
    • Asthma | December 15th, 2023
    • Airway Burn Management | Case Study Breakdown (September 1st, 2023)
    • Difficult Airway Case Review | Case Study Breakdown
    • It Ain't East Being Wheezy! | January 21st, 2022 CSB
    • Dope Mnemonic | November 18th, 2022 CSB
    • How To Manage a COPD Patient | Case Study Breakdown (Dec. 2nd, 2022)
    • Managing an ARDS Patient | Case Study Breakdown (Dec. 9th, 2022)
    • COPD Patients | Feb. 3rd, 2023 Case Study Breakdown
    • Anaphylaxis Review | Case Study Breakdown (Feb, 10th, 2023)
    • Asthma Review | Case Study Breakdown (Feb. 17th, 2023)
    • Pathophysiology of Tension Pneumothorax | Case Study Breakdown (Feb. 24th, 2023)
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    Obstetrical Cases
    • Eclampsia | July 1st, 2022 CSB
    • Managing an Abruptio Placenta | July 8th, 2022 CSB
    • Trauma In Pregnancy | July 15, 2022 CSB
    • Managing a Postpartum Bleed | July 22, 2022 CSB
    • Placental Abruption | Case Study Breakdown (August, 11th, 2023)
    • Managing Post Partum Hemorrhage | August 18th, 2023
    • Eclampsia Management | Case Breakdown (August 16th, 2024)
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    Trauma Cases
    • Gun Shot Wound Management | July 19th, 2024
    • Managing a Severe Head Trauma | December 24th, 2023
    • Managing a Pelvic Fracture | December 23rd, 2023
    • Will You Make The Cut? | Case Study Breakdown
    • Knockin' Noggins (Traumatic Brain Injury) | March 25th, 2022 CSB
    • Managing a Junctional Bleed | May 13th, 2022 CSB
    • How to Manage A Patient With Internal Bleeding | May 20th, 2022
    • Hemostatic Resuscitation with Blood and Blood Components! | May 27th, 2022 CSB
    • Internal Hemorrhage | Case Study Breakdown (May 18th, 2023)
    • Management of Abdominal Injury | September 23rd, 2022 CSB
    • Managing a Patient with Blunt Force Trauma | September 2nd, 2022 CSB
    • Managing Severe Head Trauma | September 9th, 2022 CSB
    • Managing a Severe Pelvic Injury | September 16th, 2022 CSB
    • Management of a Femur Fracture | September 30th, 2022 CSB
    • Managing Pelvic Trauma | Case Study Breakdown (DEc 16th, 2022)
    • Spinal Injury - Case Breakdown (February 22nd, 2024)
    • Managing a Patient with Significant Blood Loss - Case Breakdown (March 1st, 2024)
    • ATV Accident - Case Breakdown (April 19th, 2024)
    • Managing Chest Trauma - Case Breakdown (April 26th, 2024)
    • MVC Accident - Case Breakdown (May 3rd, 2024)
    • Managing a Crush Injury - Case Breakdown (May 10th, 2024)
    • Fallen Climber | Case Breakdown (May 24th, 2024)
    • START Triage | Case Breakdown (June 7th, 2024)
    • Crush Injury Patient Management | Case Breakdown (July 12th, 2024)
    • Chest Trauma Management | Case Breakdown (July 26th, 2024)
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    Neurology Cases
    • Meningitis | October 27th, 2023
    • Stroke Pathophysiology | March 4th, 2022 CSB
    • Seizure | March 11th, 2022 CSB
    • How To Manage a Patient In Neurological Shock | March 18th, 2022 CSB
    • Adrenal Nightmare | Case Study Breakdown
    • Managing a Patient with a Head Injury | Case Study Breakdown (April 28th, 2023)
    • Status Epilepticis | January 1st, 2024
    • Managing a Delirious and Aggressive Patient | Case Breakdown (May 31st, 2024)
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    Pediatric Cases
    • Managing a Drowning Peds Patient | December 29th, 2023
    • How to Manage A Patient with Hyperemesis | April 29th, 2022 CSB
    • Neonatal Resuscitation | Case Study Breakdown (August 25th, 2023)
    • Neonatal Resuscitation | July 29th, 2022 CSB
    • Assessing a Sick Pediatric Patient - Case Breakdown (December 8th, 2023)
    • Pediatric Asthma - Case Breakdown (December 15th, 2023)
    • Managing Acute Bronchitis in a Pediatric Patient - Case Breakdown (December 22nd, 2023)
    • Pediatric Bell's Palsy | January 2nd, 2024
    • Neglect and Abuse - Case Breakdown (February 2nd, 2024)
    • Managing a patient with Tetralogy of Fallot - Case Breakdown (February 16th, 2024)
    • Managing a Pediatric Drowning Patient | Case Breakdown (May 17th, 2024)
    • Assessing a Sick Pediatric Patient | Case Breakdown (June 14th, 2024)
    • Neonatal Resuscitation | Case Details (August 9th, 2024)
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    Cardiovascular Cases
    • CHF | December 25th, 2023
    • Post-ROSC | November 24th, 2023
    • CHF | November 16th, 2023
    • Ventricular Arrhythmia | November 9th, 2023
    • Managing a Myocardial Infarction with Bradycardia (November 3rd, 2023)
    • Bradycardia | Case Study Breakdown
    • Hyperkalemia | Case Study Breakdown
    • How To manage A Pulmonary Embolism | February 4th, 2022 CSB
    • How to manage a Cardiac Arrest in Ventricular Tachycardia | February 18th, 2022 CSB
    • Managing a Hyperkalemia Patient | June 17th, 2022 CSB
    • BRASH | June 24th, 2022 CSB
    • Managing a Thyroid Storm | August 19th, 2022 CSB
    • Managing a Congestive Heart Failure Patient | Jan 27th, 2023 CSB
    • Managing a Patient with an Inferior Myocardial Infarction | Case Study Breakdown (Mar. 3rd, 2023)
    • Managing a Patient with a Complete Heart Block | Case study Breakdown (March 10th, 2023)
    • Managing a Patient in PEA Arrest | Case Study Breakdown (March 17th, 2023)
    • Ventricular Arrythmia | Case Study Breakdown
    • Managing a Patient with Heart Failure | Case Study (March 31st, 2023)
    • Using ETCO2 in Cardiac Arrest | Case Study Breakdown (June 16th, 2023)
    • ROSC Management | Case Study Breakdown
    • Post ROSC - Case Breakdown (November 24th, 2023)
    • CHF - Case Breakdown (November 16th, 2023)
    • Managing Ventricular Tachycardia - Case Breakdown (November 10th, 2023)
    • A Case of Weakness - Case Breakdown (March 15th, 2024)
    • Managing an Inferior Myocardial Infarction - Case Breakdown (March 22nd, 2024)
    • Managing an Anterior Myocardial Infarction - Case Breakdown (April 5th, 2024)
    • Ripping Chest Pain - Case Breakdown (April 12th, 2024)
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    Infectious Disease, Septic and Shock Cases
    • Diabetic Ketoacidosis | December 27th, 2023
    • Pneumonia Sepsis Patient | December 26th, 2023
    • Shock Case | December 1st, 2023
    • Pneumonia | Case Study Breakdown
    • A Case of Hemorrhagic Shock | May 6th, 2022 CSB
    • Septic Stones | June 3rd, 2022 CSB
    • A Case of Obstructive Shock | Case Study Breakdown (January 13th, 2022)
    • Managing Sepsis - Prehospital | Jan 20th, 2023 Case Study Breakdown
    • Ludwig's Angina - Case Breakdown (March 8th, 2024)
    • March 29th, 2024 | The Hypertensive Mystery
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    Toxicology Cases
    • Toxicology | December 30th, 2023
    • Management of Opiate Overdose | October 8th, 2022 CSB
    • Managing a Cocaine Overdose | October 21st CSB
    • Organophosphates | October 28th, 2022 CSB
    • Managing Acute Alcohol Withdrawal | Case Study Breakdown (May26th, 2023)
    • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning | Case Study Breakdown
    • Organophosphate Poisoning | Case Study Breakdown
    • Narcan or Ventilations? | Case Study Breakdown
    • Opiate Overdose | Case Study Breakdown (July 21st, 2023)
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    Physiology Cases
    • Gaining a Patients Trust
    • Foreign Body Airway Obstruction | January 29th, 2022 CSB
    • Ripping Life Away... (Aortic Dissection) | February 25, 2022 CSB
    • How To Manage A Patient With A GI Bleed | April 1st, 2022 CSB
    • Assessing Appendicitis | April 8th, 2022 CSB
    • Upper GI Bleed | April 15, 2022 CSB
    • GI Traffic Jam | April 22, 2022 CSB
    • Managing a DKA Patient | August 5th, 2022 CSB
    • Renal Failure | June 10th, 2022 CSB
    • Management of Hypoglycemia | Case Study Breakdown
    • Cholecystitis - Case Breakdown (January 12th, 2024)
    • Non-Cardiac Chest Pain - Case Breakdown (January 19th, 2024)
    • Managing a Patient with a GI Bleed - Case Breakdown (January 26th, 2024)
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    Pharmacology Cases
    • Anticoagulation Pharmacology | Case Study Breakdown
    • Anti-Coagulants | Case Study Breakdown
  • 12
    Environmental Cases
    • Managing a Hypothermia Patient | November 4th, 2022 CSB (Part 2)
    • Dive Injuries | Case Study Breakdown (Nov. 25th, 2022)

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